How to Select the Perfect Writing Sample

A person typing in bed on a laptop.

Regardless of the type of position you're interviewing for, the ability to write clearly and concisely is a huge asset. While some hiring managers will evaluate your writing skills based solely on your resume and cover letter, others may ask you to take a simple grammar quiz or writing exercise if you make it to an in-person interview, and others still may ask you to submit a writing sample along with your application materials.

What your writing sample should say about you as a candidate

So if you're asked to submit writing, how do you go about selecting (or drafting) the perfect sample? First, you'll want to take a minute to consider all of your professional skills and experience that you'd like for this sample to highlight. No matter what job you're applying for, it will be important to illustrate the following:

What makes a good writing sample

If you don't have the perfect writing sample on hand, create one!

If, after you have gone through your files, you still can't find an example of your writing that feels like an appropriate and relevant fit, it's time to consider drafting something new. Here are some ideas for what types of samples you can put together:

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