Does an incomplete show up on an official transcript gmu

Incompletes, Low/Failing Grades, Retaking of Courses

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1. If I receive a "D" in a course intended to satisfy a prerequisite for a
CS course, must I retake that course?

You must retake any course that is intended to satisfy a prerequisite
for a CS course if you do not receive a "C" or better in that course.

2. If I retake a course, which grade shows up on my transcript?

Both grades will appear on your transcript. However, only the better
grade of the two will be calculated into your graduation GPA.

3. How do I obtain an "Incomplete" if I cannot complete the work for a

If you know that it will be impossible for you to complete the
requirements, you may request the course instructor to give you an
Incomplete. The two of you need to have a clear understanding
about what you must do to get the Incomplete changed to a letter
grade and by what date that material is to be submitted. A written
agreement is sometimes used. In any case, the University deadline
is the 9th week of the following Spring or Fall semester. Please be
aware by university policy, incompletes are given only under extenuating
circumstances, and only when a student has performed satisfactorily in
the class up to that point.

4. When am I allowed to retake a course for a grade?

Generally, you may retake a course for a grade only when you previously
audited the course or received a grade of less than C. You may also be
able to retake a course for a grade if you received transfer or AP credit for
the course.

If you have never taken a course here at GMU, but you have received non-
graded credit for the course (eg. transfer credit, AP credit, or credit by exam),
you may be permitted to take the course here at GMU for a grade. Please
note however, that you cannot receive double credit. Therefore, only one of
the two courses (either the graded or non-graded) can be applied towards your
graduation requirements.