If you are studying a technical subject at college, or you work in a technical industry, you may be required to undertake industrial training. Even if training is not compulsory, volunteering to take a training course can enhance your studies or further your career. You may need to apply to be accepted into a particular training institute or onto a specific course. A common component of such applications is a letter. There are a number of elements to a successful industrial training application letter.
Start your letter by summarizing your background in the relevant industry. If you are a student, state which course you are on and the name of your institution. Include the number of semesters you have completed so far and when you expect to finish your course. Recent graduates should include how long their course was, what qualification they obtained and which careers they are interested in.
If you have work experience within the industry, summarize it without recapitulating your entire resume. Highlight positions you have held that are relevant to the nature and content of the course you are applying to. Include any relevant unpaid work you have done, as this demonstrates your commitment to the industry and your determination to develop your skills.
State your reasons for applying. Explain that it is a requirement for your particular course or career. If you are applying voluntarily, list your reasons for doing so. Describe how receiving the training will be beneficial to you in the long run. This shows the letter reader that you are focused on what you want and understand the purpose and advantages of industrial training.
Explain why you are applying to this specific training institute or company. Your reasons could be to do with the institution's facilities or reputation, or they could relate to teaching methods or the content of the course modules.
Use the letter to show you be willing to cooperate with the trainers. Assure the reader that you will comply with all rules and regulations on the course.
The institute you are applying to will want to know exactly what you are asking for. Be clear on which course you want to take, what skills you need to develop, how long you want to train and what qualifications you are seeking.
Some companies offer individualized training courses or placements to individuals. In this case, you may be able to choose when you would like to start and finish the training. If so, include in your letter the dates you are available. Be as flexible as possible, as the company will find it easier to accommodate you if you give it wide parameters to work with.
If you have included a resume or other documents in your application, state this clearly in your letter. Otherwise, the documents may be overlooked in the institute's assessment of your application.