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Here are the academic calendars approved by the School Board.
Please note: Downloading a calendar gives you a static copy, which won't reflect future changes. To stay updated, subscribe to our website calendars for notifications on any changes.
The Bellevue School District acknowledges and affirms the diverse cultures, traditions, histories, identities, experiences, and faith backgrounds of our learning community. In collaboration with members of our community we have developed a district cultural calendar. This calendar includes significant acknowledgments, recognitions, and observances including those found in the Common Religious and U.S. Public Holidays Calendar of the Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) and the Interfaith Calendar (select month and year to view).
The district typically highlights cultural calendar events through district social media channels.
Please note: some religious holidays are based on lunar observances and the sighting of the moon, therefore, the calendar date may vary by one day. This calendar does not cover all holidays that may be observed by members of the BSD community and individuals may practice the same religion differently.
Cultural calendar events for 2025 coming soon!