User Summary (derived from product text and Introduction):
Fans of The Incal and The Metabarons, rejoice! For the first time anywhere, Alexander Jodorowski, co-creator of The Incal and The Metabaron, reveals never-before-seen details about the amazing universe of the Metabaron. Learn the secret histories of the Human Empire, the Shabda-Oud Sisterhood, and the parallel universes that surround our own. Explore the alliances and conspiracies that hold the Empire together (and threaten to tear it apart). Learn why the Necro-Dream is so dangerous, and how close Mankind stands to ultimate oblivion.
The Universe Guide sheds new light on many aspects of daily life in the Human Empire, and delves into the structure and organization of the Imperial Government (the Senate, the Noble Houses, the Techno-Pontificate, the Ekonomat, and the Maganats), the Mentreks, the Endogaurd, the Shabda-Oud, the Metabaron, and the Colonials. Also covered are secret societies, cults and religions, notable planets, The Golden Palace of the Emperoress, the Imperial Navy, and the limitations and hazards of hyperspace travel.
Extensive sections on the history of the universe include a time-line of events for the "The Incal" and "The Metabarons," tracing the growth of the empire and the family of the Metabaron. Players of The Metabarons Roleplaying Game will find a wealth of new character templates and professions, new rules for aliens and mutants, new weapons and cybernetics, a detailed anatomy of a typical Endocity, new vehicles and robots, resources for creating exciting galaxy-spanning adventures, and at long last, the hidden secrets of the Metabunker, the invincible fortress of the Metabarons.
The first edition of the Metabarons Universe Guide was published (in French) in 2001. The English translation for the abridged .PDF version was provided by Diane Bertrand, Justin Kelly, and Joan Wilchins. Thank you for your work!
The .PDF version includes the following note.
Note to Readers:
The Abridged PDF (English) version of the Universe Guide was created from the original electronic files. Selected images and text were left out or modified, and the page layout was modified to reduce file size and production time. This electronic document was conceived as a relatively inexpensive means for people to get information about the Metabarons Universe that was previously unavailable. This PDF requires the Metabarons Roleplaying Game Rule Book to play.