We are no longer accepting applications for Emergency Rental Assistance at this time and will close the portal. If you need Emergency Rental Assistance, please visit: www.rentful614.com

funds are available after processing our current applications WE WILL reopen this for more applications.

Having Trouble Paying Your Utilities or Rent?
We're Here to Help.

The CDBG General Application 2021 for Renters and Homeowners works to help renters get the assistance they need to avoid utility shutoff or eviction. The CDBG General Application 2021 for Renters and Homeowners is administered by the IMPACT Community Action Agency (IMPACT).

Am I Eligible?

You may qualify if you can answer yes to the following questions.

How Much Assistance is Available?

Every household's situation is different, so the amount of assistance you may receive will be specific to your needs.

Please have all your information and documents ready to ensure faster processing of your application. An application will not begin the review process until all information has been received.

If you are requesting rental assistance, make sure the amount you request will be accepted by your landlord. If they challenge the amount, it can delay your application's processing.

How Can the CDBG General Application 2021 for Renters and Homeowners Help Me?

Depending on your circumstances, The CDBG General Application 2021 for Renters and Homeowners may:

How Do I Apply?

After you answer the prequalifying questions, you must complete an application for assistance and provide documentation.

What Happens Next?

If you qualify for rent assistance, GENERAL APP will request approval from your landlord/property manager. If your landlord/property manager approves, GENERAL APP will send payments directly to them to bring your rent current.

If you qualify for utility assistance, the GENERAL APP will work with your utility company(ies). If your utility company(ies) approve, GENERAL APP will send payments directly to them to bring your utilities current.

If you qualify for internet assistance, GENERAL APP will send you an internet stipend.

What Else Do I Need to Know?

IMPACT works with nonprofit groups and does not charge a fee for its services. Beware of calls and other solicitations from companies offering to assist you in return for payment.

(614) 252-2799

ATTN: CDBG General Application 2021 for Renters and Homeowners
711 Southwood Ave
Columbus, OH 43207

GENERAL APP provides assistance on a fair and equal basis regardless of race, color, religion, sex, familial status, national origin, military status, disability or ancestry. Please visit https://impactca.org for more information.

What does it mean to be "ready to upload"?