Getting Married in California: Apply for a Marriage License

If you plan to get married in California, you must first apply for a California marriage license in any county clerk's office.

You and your prospective spouse must apply together, unless either or both of you have sufficient reason for applying absentee.

Licensing officials

The official who will process your application is the county clerk (an elected official) or their authorized deputy or assistant (the clerk's hirees).

Note: We're jumping ahead here, but you can also obtain a confidential marriage license from a county clerk approved notary public.

Mentally incapacitated

You will not be issued a marriage license if you apply while under the influence of alcohol or narcotic drugs. Furthermore, you will not be issued a license if you lack the capacity to enter into marriage.

Public or confidential license

California offers two different types of marriage licenses: public and confidential.

The main difference between a public marriage license and a confidential marriage license is a public license will become part of the public record while a confidential license will not be available to the general public for inspection.

Public marriage license

A public marriage license has the following characteristics:

Confidential marriage license

A confidential marriage license is distinguished by the following attributes:

Each county clerk's office maintains a publicly available list of notaries public who are registered and authorized to issue confidential marriage licenses within the county.

Note: Although confidential marriage records are not public records, they are permanent records that can be accessed through a court order.

Historical note: Confidential marriage licenses were once used by applicants to sidestep California's now-rescinded blood test requirement.

Common confusion

Before diving into the marriage license process, let's clear up two points of common misunderstanding:

Clerks vs Recorders

Although some county clerks hold job descriptions in addition to clerk (e.g., recorder, assessor), their "clerk" role is solely responsible for issuing marriage licenses.

Additional job distinctions to keep in mind:

  1. County clerks "issue" public and confidential marriage licenses.
  2. County clerks only "register" confidential marriage licenses.
  3. County recorders only "register" public marriage licenses.

License vs Certificate

Your "marriage license" will become a "marriage certificate" after it's registered. It's the same document: only the designation changes.

License fees

Payment is for the marriage license only; marriage certificate copies must be purchased separately. Payments are final; no refunds will be granted.

Public license fee

A public marriage license costs $35–108, depending on the county. Sixty-five dollars is (barely) the most commonly occurring charge: we're talking 8% of the counties, which indicates how scattershot pricing is.

Confidential license fee

A confidential marriage license costs $40–111, depending on the county. Ninety dollars is (again, barely) the most common price.

Fees listed by county

The following table shows the public and confidential fees (in U.S. dollars) for every county in California. You can click/tap a heading to sort the column.

Marriage License Fees Compared for California's 58 Countes
County Public Confidential Difference
Alameda 82 90 +8
Alpine 53 53 0
Amador 65 78 +13
Butte 84 91 +7
Calaveras 53 60 +7
Colusa 56 60 +4
Contra Costa 86 90 +4
Del Norte 61 61 0
El Dorado 68 58 -10
Fresno 58 69 +11
Glenn 56 56 0
Humboldt 78 80 +2
Imperial 87 87 0
Inyo 35 40 +5
Kern 82 94 +12
Kings 56 56 0
Lake 65 65 0
Lassen 51 70 +19
Los Angeles 91 85 -6
Madera 50 55 +5
Marin 85 93 +8
Mariposa 60 65 +5
Mendocino 85 87 +2
Merced 61 70 +9
Modoc 50 65 +15
Mono 50 60 +10
Monterey 85 90 +5
Napa 82 84 +2
Nevada 72 74 +2
Orange 61 66 +5
Placer 57 60 +3
Plumas 60 65 +5
Riverside 90 100 +10
Sacramento 84 95 +11
San Benito 75 85 +10
San Bernardino 89 90 +1
San Diego 70 89 +19
San Francisco 108 108 0
San Joaquin 65 73 +8
San Luis Obispo 100 100 0
San Mateo 79 80 +1
Santa Barbara 100 111 +11
Santa Clara 80 83 +3
Santa Cruz 90 90 0
Shasta 72 77 +5
Sierra 66 71 +5
Siskiyou 71 78 +7
Solano 90 100 +10
Sonoma 82 98 +16
Stanislaus 76 81 +5
Sutter 59 78 +19
Tehama 64 64 0
Trinity 49 54 +5
Tulare 93 95 +2
Tuolumne 65 83 +18
Ventura 98 109 +11
Yolo 98 109 +11
Yuba 65 70 +5


The marriage license application, which is structured by the State Registrar of the California State Department of Public Health, will ask you to document the following:

Oath, under penalty of perjury

Your signature upon the application and issued license, under penalty of perjury under California law, affirms that everything you've documented is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge and that no known legal objection to your proposed marriage exists.

Marriage name change

California's Name Equality Act of 2007 permits you to change your middle and last name after marriage using a certified copy of your marriage certificate as long as you specify your new name choice on the marriage license application.

This ability to adopt a new name after marriage is available to all Californian's—both men and women; however, if you're a nonresident who marries in California, you are bound by the name change laws of your home state, territory, or country.

Note: Your name doesn't automatically change because of marriage. To officially change your name, consider using an online marriage name change kit.

Last name change options

You can change your last name to any of the following options:

  1. Either spouse's current last name
  2. Either spouse's last name at birth
  3. Combination of last names
  4. Single name combining all or a segment of either's current last name or last name at birth

Update: Effective January 1, 2017, the Name Equality Act of 2007 was revised to remove reference to "hyphenated" last names.

Wording was changed from this:

Hyphenated combination of last names

This change means that you can still hyphenate your name, but also opt for a space-separated (a.k.a. double-barreled) last name.

Middle name change options

You can change your middle name to any of the following options:

  1. Either spouse's current last name
  2. Either spouse's last name at birth
  3. Combination of the current middle name and either spouse's current last name
  4. Combination of the current middle name and either spouse's last name at birth

Note: You cannot drop or segment your middle name.

Update: Effective January 1, 2017, a slight revision to the Name Equality Act of 2007 removed reference to "hyphenated" middle names.

Wording was changed from this:

Hyphenated combination of the current middle name and…

Combination of the current middle name and…

This revision relaxes middle name change options 3 and 4 (above), thereby allowing you to opt for a combined, hyphenated, or space-separated (a.k.a. double-barreled) middle name instead of only hyphenated.

First name change options

You cannot change your first name through marriage: you must petition the superior court instead.

Non-California marriage

Although California allows you to specify a new middle and last name on your marriage license application, many other states do not provide this option on their applications.

If you marry out-of-state, your non-California marriage certificate may not reflect a new name choice. This will not prevent you from changing your middle or last name in California.

Regret name choice

If you regret the new middle or last name you chose or omitted on your application and you haven't yet married, then you can return to the county clerk's office and apply for a new marriage license which will void and replace the old one.

If your marriage has already taken place and you've soured on your new name choice, then you're stuck; you cannot amend your marriage certificate after the fact. At this point, your sole remaining option is to pursue a court-petitioned name change.

Amendments to marriage certificates are reserved for clerical errors, which a name change of heart does not quality.

Issued documents

Your issued marriage license will contain a transcription of virtually everything you've entered on your marriage license application. You must surrender the license to whoever solemnizes your marriage for further completion.

If you're applying for a confidential marriage license, you will also be given an application to acquire a certified copy of your marriage certificate from the issuing county clerk.


California does not impose any residency requirements whatsoever for issuing marriage licenses.

Age requirements

In California, the age of majority (a.k.a. legal adulthood) is 18 years and there is no actual minimum age for marriage.

Age 18 and above

If you're 18 years old or older, you can get married without the consent of a parent or guardian, which assumes you're not disqualified for other reasons.

Age 17 and below

If you're 17 years old or younger, you may only marry with the written consent of at least one parent or guardian and a superior court judge's court order. The written consent must be filed with the clerk of the court.

Even if you're an emancipated minor, you must still request the court's permission.

Court order for minors

If you're below the age of 18, in addition to obtaining consent to marry from a parent or guardian, you must obtain permission from a California court. If you have no parent or guardian capable of granting consent, the court may unilaterally authorize your marriage.

The court may require you to undergo premarital counseling as a condition for obtaining a favorable ruling. You will not be advised by a religious counselor if you so object. There's a fee for counseling; however, the court will factor in your inability to pay.

If the court approves your request to marry, you will be granted a certified court order that must be presented to the county clerk when you submit your application.

Previous marriages and SRDPs

Even though the marriage license application will ask you to document your marital history and former state registered domestic partnerships (SRDP), some counties may want to examine a certified copy of the final judgment of dissolution or annulment.


You must present valid photo identification that shows your name and date of birth, such as a driver's license, state-issued ID card, military ID card, passport, or permanent resident card (a.k.a. green card).

Some counties may want to see a certified copy of your birth certificate, so be prepared for that possibility.

Lack of acceptable ID

If you cannot produce identification that's to the clerk's satisfaction, you can submit one or multiple affidavits from credible witnesses who can verify your identity and age.

Blood tests

You are no longer required to get a blood test in order to receive a California marriage license: the provision was abolished in 1995.

Then Assemblywoman—now Congresswoman—Jackie Speier (D) sponsored the legislation which ended the blood test for marriage license requirement.

When the blood test requirement was in effect, women of childbearing age were tested for Rubella (a.k.a. German measles) and both men and women were tested for syphilis.

Waiting period

There are no waiting periods; you'll receive your marriage license moments after you submit your application. You can marry anytime after issuance.

License expiration

Your marriage license will expire 90 days after it's been issued. The expiration date will be shown on the license.

60-day expiration reminder

If you were issued a public marriage license that has not been returned to the county recorder—yes, "recorder" not "clerk"—within 60 days of issuance, the recorder will notify you of its looming expiration.

Authorized officiants

The person who will solemnize your marriage is often referred to as the officiant. California law stipulates who is and who is not authorized to solemnize marriages.

Religious officials

Your marriage may be solemnized by any of the following religious officials, who must be 18 years old or older:

Religious officials and denominations are not required to solemnize any marriage that violates their religious beliefs and such refusal will not affect their tax-exempt status.

Religious societies

Your marriage may be solemnized by any religious society according to the rites and customs of the society as long as you, or your intended spouse, or both are society members.

If you're a member of a religious society or denomination that doesn't designate persons to solemnize marriages, then you and your prospective spouse will be wholly responsible for completing the marriage license at the conclusion of your marriage ceremony.

Government officials

Your marriage may be solemnized by any of the following California government officials age 18 or above, active or retired unless otherwise specified: